Camping Tents and Camping Sleeping Bags Can Be Enjoyed in Arctic-Type Weather
In another article I discussed how to survive arctic type weather assuming that you probably won't be spending the night outside. Hardy campers have been known to either put their camping sleeping bag in the snow or pitch a camping tent. I will cover some suggestions on how to survive the arctic weather for long hours like an expert.
The first step is to respect the elements if you are going to avoid paying the ultimate penalty of freezing to death. I mention this because the difference between that and enjoying the experience is fairly small. Keep in mind you should never plan on spending time alone in arctic weather because a small accident could be fatal. At least have someone who will look for you if you don't come back.
In addition to layered clothing, parkas, warm footwear and hand gear are essential. I cross country ski a lot, many times in arctic weather. I prefer leather mittens with a wool liner whenever possible when I am going to be outside for long periods of time. Kept together your fingers help keep each warm and the leather isn't subject to tearing just when you need it most.
Always allow plenty of time to get things done. Not only does everything take longer but if you start to hurry it will cause you to breathe harder. The cold dry air will cause your lungs to dry out and give a burning sensation. Breathe through your nose if possible.
Arrive at your camp site in plenty of time to pitch your camping tent in the day light. Remember there really isn't a lot of day light in the northern country in the winter. If you plan on building a fire, dig down to the ground before building the fire. Otherwise the melting snow will cause the fire to crash and it might go out.
Hardy campers sleep outdoors in cold weather. The first thing you need is a good camping sleeping bag rated for the temperature you will sleep in. Cover your sleeping bag with snow since snow is a good insulator. I wouldn't try camping outdoors in arctic weather without snow. Make sure your camping sleeping bag won't absorb moisture from the snow.
The other option is using a camping tent. Place the camping tent right on top of the snow. Since you can't pound stakes into the ground tie the camping tent corners to a tree or other heavy objects. Put snow around your camping tent to prevent wind from getting under the camping tent.
A couple of other tips -You will burn a lot of energy so make sure you eat a lot. Don't try to be on a diet as your body will be stressed enough just being outside. In addition fill a plastic bottle with hot water and put a sock or towel around it. Put that in the bottom of your camping sleeping bag. The sock or towel will slow down the speed the bottle loses heat but it will help you be warm enough to fall asleep. Don't consume alcohol- Alcohol will give you a warm feeling but can cause you to fall asleep deep enough that you won't wake up until it is too late.
A couple of tips- Starting a fire is a lot more difficult during cold weather as the cold weather will cool the fire down until the fire has a chance to overcome the cold. In addition wood can be a little damp from snow and will need to dry before it will burn. Don't ignore the fire until a strong blaze is going. If possible practice once before going camping.
Your vehicle will be harder to start if left alone for several hours. If you are depending on it to get you home make sure it has winter oil and is properly tuned up. Make sure you have more than a half a tank of fuel left before shutting it off.
I spent the last couple of decades in the resort and vacation industry along with many outdoor activities. On many occasions I observed people either not respecting the elements or not understanding them. The misunderstanding occurs in the winter where people fail to be able to enjoy the outdoors safely. In the summer frequently people fail to realize what needs to be done to protect themselves and take advantage of many opportunities to bond with nature and family and friends.
I am trying to provide some ideas to help people understand the outdoors and enjoy life outdoors without undo expense.
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